Enterprise Asia honored Mr. Do Quang Vinh as "Asian Master Entrepreneur -Financial Services Category" - Ngân hàng SHB
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Công bố lãi suất bình quân Mở rộng quy mô gói tín dụng cá nhân: SHB đồng hành cùng khách hàng vượt khó Thông báo mời thầu: Mua sắm thiết bị lưu trữ, ổ cứng phục vụ hệ thống Camera giám sát tại các ĐVKD Ngân hàng chia cổ tức bằng tiền mặt và cổ phiếu ‘vẹn cả đôi đường’ Chủ thẻ tín dụng quốc tế SHB “Khám phá năm châu – Không lo âu phí” Thông báo lựa chọn tổ chức đấu giá tài sản Thông báo kết quả lựa chọn tổ chức đấu giá tài sản Thông báo lựa chọn tổ chức đấu giá tài sản

Enterprise Asia honored Mr. Do Quang Vinh as “Asian Master Entrepreneur -Financial Services Category”


Recently, Mr. Do Quang Vinh – Member of the Board of Directors and Deputy CEO of Saigon – Hanoi Bank (SHB) was honored as “ Asian Master Entrepreneur -Financial Services Category “. This is a prestigious business award with leading scale in Asia, presented by Enterprise Asia, an NGO.

Initiated in 2007, the Asia Pacific Enterprise Awards (APEA) hosted by Enterprise Asia honors outstanding businesses and leaders who have made great contributions to the sustainable development and management of businesses, as well as creating good values for the community.

Over several rounds of evaluation with stringent assessment criteria, in-depth interviews and independent business surveys, Mr. Do Quang Vinh conquered the Jury with a solid knowledge base in the Finance industry, very successful achievements in the industry and impressive business results at companies under his leadership.

Young entrepreneur who “dares to think, dares to do”

Studied at top universities in the UK, graduated with an honored bachelor degree and a merit master degree in banking & finance, Do Quang Vinh has a profound knowledge and rich background in the field of finance. He has been employed and appointed to hold various key managerial positions at prestigious domestic and global groups, including: CEO of T&T Group USA, Executive Vice Chairman of Members’ Council at SHBank Finance Company Limited (SHB FC); Chairman of the Board of Saigon – Hanoi Securities JSC (SHS), and Chairman of the Board of Saigon – Hanoi Insurance Corporation (BSH). At Saigon – Hanoi Bank (SHB), Vinh is also delegated to take lead of important divisions of the Bank, namely: BOD member and Deputy CEO in charge of Digital Banking and Retail Banking Division.

Mr. Do Quang Vinh (left) – Member of the Board of Directors and Deputy CEO of SHB was honored as “Asian Master Entrepreneur in Financial Services”

APEA highly appreciated businessman Do Quang Vinh for his excellent corporate governance in the financial sector. With high determination, a dare-to-do attitude, constantly innovating and emphasizing human resources development, focusing on developing and improving the quality of products and services, gradually changing corporate culture, putting the interests of customers on top, no matter what position he was in charge, he has always affirmed his own strengths and made the right decisions, contributing to the success of the organization.

In particular, the successful signing of an agreement to transfer 100% of capital at SHB FC to Ayudhya Public Bank (Krungsri) of Thailand – a strategic member of MUFG Group – Japan has brought a significant capital surplus, as well as improving the financial capacity and position of SHB, opening up opportunities for regional development and reaching out to the world.

At SHS, under the direction of Chairman of the BOD Do Quang Vinh, the company has become a Top 10 securities companies with largest charter capital in Vietnam market. In the insurance field, with the orientation of sustainable growth along with efficiency, Mr. Vinh has put BSH in the Top 10 most prestigious non-life insurance companies in 2022, Top 25 fastest growing companies in Vietnam with an impressive growth rate of 13.4% (compared to market average of 3.98%).

At SHB, Mr. Vinh was assigned to take charge of many roles, especially the role as a “captain” leading the Bank’s digital transformation strategy. He is the one who laid the foundation and developed the Digital Banking Division, officially brought SHB into the banking digitization race and gradually achieved certain successes: the entire operation process of SHB has been greatly improved thanks to digital technology, improved work efficiency; Customer data management has improved markedly; successfully launched many digital products, increasing benefits and bringing better experiences to customers…

Innovation and difference create value

Towards the goal of becoming the No. 1 bank in terms of efficiency and technology, the most favorite digital bank among commercial banks in Vietnam by 2027, Mr. Do Quang Vinh has a very different direction. For him, digital transformation is a long-term, sustainable investment journey, and “reading” customer needs through data is the key to creating differentiated values for SHB’s digital products.

With its own unique direction, SHB has “silently” built a customized digital platform based on the value chain for customers. Instead of only focusing on understanding the existing needs of users, SHB also analyzes each customer’s “worry” on the journey of experience to solve “problems” and builds unique values for its products and services.

“The Master Entrepreneur in Financial Services” award is the recognition of not only my own efforts and achievements but also those of SHB staff.” – Mr. Do Quang Vinh shared

In addition, SHB has been focusing on developing a digital corporate culture, creating a new culture and way of working to build digital transformation capacity for the system. “A culture with an innovative way of working and thinking can significantly enhance interaction with existing customers as well as reach new customers, while creating outstanding efficiency.” – Entrepreneur Do Quang Vinh shared.

Under his guidance and direction, within a short period of time, SHB has successfully implemented many useful digital products, improving customer experience, such as opening online accounts, issuing online credit cards, overdraft loan, online savings book mortgage… with diversified financial solutions and many outstanding incentives.

Previously, with his achievements and contributions in digital transformation activities at SHB, Mr. Do Quang Vinh was honored to receive the “Vietnam Golden Entrepreneur in 2022” award.