SHB grew sustainably and transformed strongly in 2022 - Ngân hàng SHB
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Nhận ngay E-voucher trị giá tới 500.000 VNĐ khi nhận tiền qua QRCode SHB SHB được Euromoney vinh danh là “Ngân hàng SMEs tốt nhất Việt Nam” SHB thông báo lịch nghỉ lễ Quốc khánh 2/9 Thông báo kết quả lựa chọn tổ chức đấu giá tài sản Thông báo lựa chọn tổ chức đấu giá tài sản SHB đồng hành phát triển cùng doanh nghiệp FDI với chính sách riêng biệt Thông báo mời thầu: Trang bị thiết bị bảo mật HSM cho SHB Thông báo mời thầu: Cung cấp dịch vụ bảo trì, bảo hành mở rộng và hỗ trợ kỹ thuật cho hệ thống 02 UPS của SHB

SHB grew sustainably and transformed strongly in 2022


Continuously investing to strengthen the foundation, creating an important stepping stone for a new growth phase, Saigon – Hanoi Bank (SHB) closed the year 2022 with impressive business results compared with the same period. At the same time, the bank always actively accompanied and shared with customers and the community through several practical support activities.

2022 continued to be a year full of challenges for the Vietnamese economy in general and for the banking system in particular. However, this is also an opportunity for a rapid transformation of financial institutions like SHB to strengthen foundation and internal resources, as well as maintain the growth momentum in a sustainable and effective way to get ready for a new growth phase, affirming its leading position in the market.

As of December 31, 2022, SHB’s total assets reached more than VND 551 trillion, equity capital in accordance with Basel II standards amounted to VND 62,577 billion, total deposits reached more than VND 407 trillion, outstanding loans to customers reached more than VND 385 trillion, total net income from business activities in 2022 amounted to more than VND 19,350 billion. SHB’s pre-tax profit in 2022 reached more than VND 9,658 billion, up 54% over the same period. SHB’s capital adequacy and risk management indicators are all at better levels than required by the State Bank (SBV) and international standards and practices.

Continuing to ensure the interests of shareholders, in 2022, SHB has completed the payment of dividends in 2021 in shares at the rate of 15%. As of December 31, 2022, SHB’s charter capital reached VND 30,674 billion, maintaining its position in the Top 5 private joint stock commercial banks with the largest charter capital in the whole system.

As a bank that completed all three pillars of Basel II ahead of schedule, in 2022, SHB has completed the preparation of foundations for the transition to advanced capital calculation (FIRB) and the application of international financial reporting standards (IFRS), towards meeting increasingly international standards. This is the basis for the bank to continue to develop a sustainable and comprehensive business strategy, a pathway for risk management and effective use of capital.

Last year, SHB was also rated at B1 by Moody’s, with a positive outlook.

With its prestige and financial capacity, SHB continued to be a trusted partner of many international financial institutions such as IFC, ADB, WB… with the value of cooperation up to hundreds of millions of USD. SHB is also completing the final steps in the roadmap to transfer SHB Finance to Krungsri Bank of Thailand (a strategic member of MUFG Group – Japan). The transfer agreement will bring a significant capital surplus for SHB to invest in strengthening its foundation, promoting the development of individual and corporate customer segments, accelerating the digital transformation process and improving risk management capability.

2023 marks an important milestone as SHB officially celebrates its 30th anniversary of establishment and accompanying the development of the country. With a long development history, strong internal potential and a team of determined, enthusiastic leaders and employees, creative and flexible to adapt, 2023 seems to be a breakthrough year, with strong transformation, realizing the great aspirations of SHB people, bring more values to customers, shareholders, community, contributing to the prosperity and development of the country.